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Useful Links

Below are just a few links to relevant information:

Note: Links to local services and NHS Wales Organisations can be found on the Directory Page. action on smoking and health

Cardiff Registry Office

Cancer Research Wales  

Children First for Health 

Children and Young People (Welsh Assembly Government)   

Chief Medical Officer Wales


Department of Health  

Epilepsy Wales 

Expert Patient Programme Wales

Giving Blood and Organ Donation information  

Healthcare Commission  

Health Protection Agency (HPA)

Health Service Ombudsman for Wales

Healthcare Standards for Wales

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales 

Healthy Start 


Hepatitis C awareness website

Keep Well this Winter 

Mental Capacity Act

National Clinical Assessment Authority (NCAA) 

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)  

National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA)

National Clinical Assessment Service  

National Drugs Strategy 

National Library for Health  

National Electronic Library for Social Care

National Service Frameworks (NSF) in Wales  

NHS Counter Fraud Service

NHS Direct Wales Health Encyclopedia

NHS Direct Online (England)  

NHS 24 (Scotland)

Office for National Statistics

Preparing for Emergencies  

Professional UK Bodies 

Ray of Light Cancer support

Sexual Health 

Smoking Cessation  

Stop Smoking Wales

St. John Ambulance in Wales 

Support Group  

UK Resilience

Wales Audit Office 

Walking the Way to Health Wales

Welsh Local Government Association  

Welsh NHS Confederation     

Wales Resilience

Wales on the Web

Welsh Dragon Burns Club –


Disclaimer: NHS Wales is not responsible for the content or reliability of the linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Listing shall not be taken as endorsement of any kind. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time and we have no control over availability of the linked pages. NHS Wales reserves the right to reject or remove links to any website if we find the site content inappropriate. 

